Gack. This one was quite something. Remember that
woven rug I made a few weeks ago? From my mouth came an offer to a
school teacher to teach her six students how to make woven rugs for an
art project. My daughter is in a class with five other girls ranging
from 10 to 12 years old. (Small private school) I thought 2 or 3
periods should do it, but it ended up being, like, five periods, and
then I still took them home to sew down the binding. I think all in all,
a lot of fun was had. Much jabbering, pinning, ripping stitches,
learning how to thread machines, and stick-to-itivesness. Of course Moms
don't send their best machines to school, they send the "old" one, the
clunker. I learned how to thread and trouble shoot Pfaff, Janome,
Kenmore, Shark, and Bernina. Very hands on for me! Here are a few
pictures of the finished products:
11 yr old |
10 yr old (my daughter) |
11 yr old |
11 yr old |
12 yr old |
10 yr old |
I had them bring scraps and pieces from home which I then took home and cut the strips. Some are truly scrappy while a few have a bit more of a pattern or color scheme. I can't say I have a favorite. They are all wonderful. Although the process was a bit tedious and there were times I wasn't sure how it would all turn out, the end results are lovely! I tried not to fix to much, to let their own skills grow as they went. Yes, there are wonky seams, and strips that went over the side and had to be cut, but it all adds to the charm, and oh, the satisfaction they feel from having something to show for all the hard work!