Tuesday, 27 December 2011

After Christmas Catch Up

Merry Christmas to one and all!
Hope it was joy filled and happy!

We spent Saturday, the 24th at home with our children. We did things a little different this year. As a child my family had a tradition we called 'cumin up shtaln', which loosely translated, means, 'setting up bowls'. This just simply meant that we all put our special bowl at our place at the table before we went to bed. In the morning we'd have candy, oranges, peanuts, and small gifts in these bowls, while our larger gifts were on the floor behind our chairs. I decided to carry this on with our children. They had a great time with this idea! I also had a bit of timeline to keep things moving. While the baby and the two year old napped we played Firefighter Monopoly with our older two. Great memories to cherish forever.

             Christmas day was spent with my husbands family. I created this piece for my mother in law:

It's a mini quilt/table topper type of thing. I found the pattern in the book Country Threads goes to Charm School. I tell ya, working with those small pieces was just as much work as any big quilt I've ever made!

                         I made this set for my sister in law, along with a Pampered Chef pizza stone.

I will post some pics of the quilt I made for my husband in my next post. I also plan to change the name of my blog here very shortly before my following gets any bigger! More on that next time.

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