Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

So I missed a week. Just couldn't find the time to post! My toddler has had a head cold for a whole week and talk about crabby! Hopefully on the mend now. Then too, at the risk of oversharing, my monthly cycle is back after an eighteen month hiatus (what with pregnancy and breastfeeding and all). So yeah, I managed to not gain any weight but neither did I lose any. I took a three day break from exercise but I'm back on the bandwagon. This is what it looks like today:

Weight Loss Goal: 70 lbs
Week's Loss: 1 lbs 
Total Loss:  6 lbs
Distance to Goal:  64 lbs
Week's Workouts:  Walked 19 miles
Total Time Exercising:  5 hours
 Highlight of the Week: Did a five mile walk on Friday, and I tell you that was exhilarating. Another thing it did for me was make my normal three and four mile walks seem a lot shorter!

I'm really enjoying this journey. I need to check my food intake again. I'd like to up my loss to at least  2 lbs per week. My sisters wedding in July is 23 weeks away. That would bring me 46 lbs down. Okay. If that's not an incentive, what is? That reminds me, I saw some serious inspiration on her pinboard. Let me go get it. 


  1. Good luck with your target, I'm sure you can make it!

  2. That is an amazing quote - thank you for sharing. And 1 lb is a very good loss. I can't imagine you upping the exercise so if you tweak the food just a little bit, you'll be at 2 lbs per week without a problem! Go, go, go! :-)

  3. Oh poor bub - is he feeling better now? It is horrible being sick, but somehow much worse to see kids sick.

    1lbs is 1lbs so be proud of your efforts! I'm sure once your body settles down with the new changes that that pound will have many friends.

    And I agree with Izzy - fantastic quote. I need to put that on the fridge!

  4. Congratulations on losing 6 lbs! That's wonderful. :) I am motivated after reading others' weigh-in. Thanks! :)

  5. Oh I love the quote! And so true too! :)


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