Tuesday, 5 June 2012

I Have Not Fallen Off the Edge of the Earth

I don't know if anyone follows this blog faithfully, but here is a list of excuses why I have not posted since, oh dear, the seventh of April.

1. On the 24th of April my two year old succumbed to a second bout of intussusception, requiring an emergency flight by air ambulance to the University of Alberta in Edmonton for a reversal procedure.

2. Followed closely by staying in the area for the weekend and being joined by the rest of our family because of a planned tonsillectomy the following week for our 7 year old son, in the same city. When you live 600 miles away you don't just run back and forth.

3. Playing catch-up with laundry and housework after a week in the city and children scattered here and there.

4. Spending two days and nights in a hotel 40 minutes from home on day nine after tonsillectomy. Our son woke up around midnight and started throwing up what seemed like gallons of fresh red blood. Determined not to be a hemmorhage but a slow bleed but we had to stay in the same town as the hospital for two days in case of reoccurence. Didn't happen again thankfully. Grateful for all the prayers on our behalf during this difficult period of life.  I actually took my sewing machine to the hotel and finished cutting and started sewing on a quilt.

5. Laptop went to repair man and desktop PC has a silly filter that won't let me access blogs. Go figure.

6. Planted a huge garden and tons of flowers. Why do I do this to myself?

7. You know what, that's enough. The list could go on, but you get the picture. I am sewing on a quilt and will try to get a post up tomorrow about it with some progress pics. I'm also sewing a bunch of dresses for myself and my girls.

Time to call the children in and get everyone to bed. Thanks for reading. God Bless.

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Always love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for taking time!